Conference reports from a Scotland perspective and where Scotland delegates are particularly involved will be posted here throughout the week of 20-23 June 2017. For other reports see the UK pages.
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Northern Ireland peace process must be protected – no hard border
UNISON will spearhead a campaign to protect the Northern Ireland peace agreement as a priority in EU exit negotiations, amidst ...

Rose raises a giggle backing young members
Retired Members' delegate, Scotland's Rose Jackson welcomed the rule change to increase the number of young members' seats on the ...

Ensuring private sector stewards are fully integrated into branches
UNISON set out a strategy for the improved organisation and growing membership within the workforce of private contractors. A priority ...

Housing crisis – direct investment in public housing needed
UNISON will call for a restoration of direct investment in public housing as the only way to resolve the housing ...

Terminally ill workers must have legal protections
Delegates were shocked that workers with a terminal illness are not covered by equalities law and have limited legal protection ...

Urgent need to organise in social care workforce
Social care workers are an under pressure and growing section of the public sector workforce but there are significant challenges ...

Getting the public on our side – a crucial role for retired members
UNISON will use our members' experiences, evidence and expertise to win over public opinion in support of properly funded public ...

UNISON will smash the public sector 1% pay cap
“UNISON will smash the public sector 1% pay cap in the next twelve months”, promised Gordon Mackay, NEC, “a pay ...