UNISON is the UK’s largest health union. More than 60,000 UNISON members work in the NHS in Scotland: nurses, student nurses, midwives, health visitors, healthcare assistants, paramedics, occupational therapists, cleaners, porters, catering staff, medical secretaries, clerical and admin staff and scientific and technical staff.
UNISON cares passionately about the future of the NHS as a publicly funded service that is free at the point of delivery. The NHS is a public service we can all be proud of, and UNISON wants to keep it that way.
See also important information for workers registered with regulatory bodies.
Speaking up for Scotland’s health workers
UNISON organisers and activists work together to make sure our members’ concerns are heard – whether it’s about pay, health and safety, discrimination or the future of our NHS.
- Offering advice at work;
- Representing our members in the workplace
- Lobbying parliaments and government on issues our members care about;
- Negotiating terms and conditions for NHS Scotland staff;
- Raising professional and local concerns that affect all health workers.
- Standing up for the NHS and broader health services
Health News
Patients and staff need action now from John Swinney rather than empty promises
Emergency NHS summit ignores biggest health union
National Care Service Bill (Stage 2) Draft Amendments: Call for Views
Biggest NHS union in Scotland votes to accept pay offer
UNISON to recommend NHS members accept Scottish government pay offer
UNISON to consult NHS staff in Scotland on 5.5% pay offer
Briefing 143 National Care Service Bill: Reform of Integrated Joint Boards
‘Staffing crisis putting patients at risk’ – new UNISON survey reveals scale of the short-staffing in Scotland’s NHS
MSPs should support the employment injuries advisory council bill, says UNISON
Christina and Lilian in Shetland and Orkney was a ‘brilliant visit’
Latest briefings and submissions
Mental Health Strategy 2012 – 2015

Care Integration Comments to Health & Sport Committee

Inquiry into regulation of care for older people

Care Integration statement

Social Care Procurement Guidelines

More on briefings page