UNISON represents a range of staff working in all sectors of education. UNISON members are the key workers in early years’ centres and undertake a range of crucial roles in schools, further education colleges and universities as well as the careers advice service. The Education Issues Group (EIG) is where members working in early years’ settings and schools work together to improve the terms and conditions of education members and to ensure that their vital role in education delivery is recognised.
The EIG also campaigns to improve education in Scotland. We enable members to organise and to collate the experiences and knowledge of education staff to influence the wider education policy development process in Scotland. The group responds to Scottish government and parliamentary inquiries and produces a range of papers to keep members informed about education reform in Scotland.
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Reports, Briefings and Responses

Futures number 17 autumn/winter 2016

Policy Briefing 81 Education and Early Years Consultations

Briefing 078 Policy – Education Delivery Plan – July 2016

Early learning and childcare manifesto. Supporting children, parents and the childcare workforce.

Early Learning and Childcare 1140 Hours expansion

Petition PE1583 Playground Supervision – Jan 2016

Petition PE1581 School Libraries – Dec 2015