For urgent help and advice at work contact your local UNISON steward or health and safety rep as soon as possible. If you don’t know who your local UNISON rep is, check for your branch secretary on the UK site branch finder or get in touch with UNISONdirect on 0800 0 857 857 See also important information for workers registered with regulatory bodies.
We can only keep in touch with you if we know where you are! Contact your branch or use the link above to update online. UNISON consults members about workplace issues through meetings, surveys and ballots. In order to do that we need accurate information about where you work and an email and mobile phone number. We also need your permission to use these contact details. Please ensure your details and permissions are up to date.
Members – change your details via phone
Call your branch or area resource centre (check the contacts pages)
Call UNISONdirect 0800 0 857 857
Or freephone textphone 0800 0 967 968
Lines are open 6am-midnight Monday-Friday and 9am-4pm Saturdays
UNISON Scotland offices
UNISON House 14 West Campbell Street GLASGOW G2 6RX Tel: 0800 0 857 857 Fax: 0141 331 1203 Text tel: 0141 248 3981 |
Grampian Area Resource Centre 7 Alford Place ABERDEEN AB10 1YD Tel: 01224 620624 Fax: 01224 621691 |
Highland Area Resource Centre 53 Shore St INVERNESS IV1 1NF Tel: 01463 715891 Fax: 01463 715270 |
UNISON Scotland Edinburgh 2nd Floor – East Broadside 2 Powderhall Road Edinburgh EH7 4GB |