Check out the links below for responses, submissions, briefings, documents and news:-
Responses and submissions to consultations from the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government and other bodies, by the UNISON Scotland Bargaining and Campaigns Team
Latest UNISON Scotland Briefings from the Bargaining and Campaigns Team
UNISON Scotland Briefings include Bargaining and Policy Briefings for branches on a wide range of policy and employment issues, e-briefings and Legal Updates and briefings for MSPs and MPs and others to represent UNISON policy where decisions are being made.
News – Press releases up to date news on what UNISON Scotland is doing with an archive for reference.
Campaigns – Resource page linking to all current and past major campaigns.
Scotland in UNISON – Scotland’s activists’ newspaper published six times a year
At work – Service Groups – for specific information on the service or sector you work in
Health & Safety Resources including A Practical Guide to COSHH Safety
Links – Links to other branches and a range of other organisations
Learning in UNISON – Learning programme, course outlines and application forms
Communications – UNISON Scotland’s Communications and Campaigns Committee
Activists’ Zone – resources for stewards and officers with links to national resources