NHS band 5 nurse review

As part of the last years NHS pay deal, the Scottish government agreed to review all band 5 nursing posts. Many nurses work beyond the agreed level of a Band 5 registered practitioner.

UNISON Scotland helped to develop a process which is consistent with the NHS job evaluation scheme, to make requests for reviews easier.

If you want to apply for a Band 5 nurse review this page should give you everything you need to get started. Also contact your local branch or NHS steward for support.

NHS Scotland Band 5 Nursing Review

NHS employers should reach out to all band 5 nurses and sign post them to the online portal for applications.

You can access the NHS online digital application portal on the NHS Agenda for Change Review website which also provides a range of links and resources connected to this review.

UNISON has adapted some of the agreed national materials for your use (see below). And UNISON branches are in discussions with your employer so that the process is implemented at a local level.

Does this  only apply to Band 5 nurses?

The review only applies to existing band 5 nurses. Any individual who feels that they are working at a level which is higher that their current agreed band for the job, can apply within the existing job evaulation arrangements (New and Changed Job Process) for a review of their current band, where a significant change can be evidenced.

If you feel that your job is now more complex, requires a higher level of skill or knowledge please speak to your UNISON branch who can assist you using the existing policy.


Guidance for filling out questionnaire

Thanks to colleagues at UNISON Lothian Health branch for putting together this excellent Band 5 nurse review questionnaire guide. You can read here or download.

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thumbnail of Band 5 Newletter – June 24

Frequently asked questions

thumbnail of FAQ – Review of Band 5 Nursing Role 2

Guidance for managers and employees

thumbnail of Manager and Staff Guidance Documentation (002)


Drafting template for re-evaluation                              

thumbnail of Template Questionnaire 15 May 2024

Band 5 Nurse Review short presentation

Our health co-lead Matt McLaughlin explaining how the band 5 nurse review job evaluation works.