Local Government

Local goverment serves the peopleLocal Government is UNISON Scotland’s biggest service group. Its remit covers a range of employees including those of all of Scotland’s councils, Direct Labour and Direct Service Organisations, Trusts, Joint Boards, voluntary and related organisations and private companies.

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Latest updates

School, early years and family centre staff in Scotland begin strike vote over pay, says UNISON

Tens of thousands of staff in schools, early years education and family centres in Scotland are being balloted for strike ... Read More

Local government strikes to go ahead despite Cosla talks, say UNISON

The largest union in local government says strikes are set to go ahead after they rejected a revised pay offer ... Read More

Strike ballots to be issued to staff working in schools, early years and family centres, says UNISON

UNISON has written to all councils in Scotland to inform them strike ballots will be issued to more than 38,000 ... Read More

Return your ballot, a message for waste, recycling and street cleaners

Lilian Macer, UNISON's Scottish Secretary sends a message to waste, recycling and street cleaners who are UNISON members. "Your industrial ... Read More

Briefing 143 National Care Service Bill: Reform of Integrated Joint Boards

This briefing gives an overview of the IJB reforms set out in the government’s Stage 2 amendments to the NCS ... Read More

Scotland’s waste and recycling workers begin strike vote over pay, says UNISON

Thousands of council workers in waste, recycling and street cleaning services across Scotland are to be balloted for strike action ... Read More

Rubbish will pile up in Edinburgh streets during Festival if waste and recycling workers strike, says UNISON

Waste and recycling workers in Edinburgh are being balloted for strike action over a pay dispute. UNISON, Scotland's largest local ... Read More

East Ayrshire councillors urged to reject proposals to outsource swathes of community services, says UNISON

Councillors in East Ayrshire are being urged to oppose proposals to outsource music tuition, youth work, sport, befriending, literacy, and ... Read More

Pay offer to council workers is too low and should be rejected, says UNISON

Local government staff in Scotland are worth more than the pay increase they’ve been offered, says UNISON today (Thursday). The ... Read More

Housing (Scotland) Bill response

The Housing (Scotland) Bill was introduced to Parliament on 26 March 2024.  The bill has six main parts which include ... Read More

More Local Government News

Latest local government briefings

Briefing 143 National Care Service Bill: Reform of Integrated Joint Boards

thumbnail of Policy Briefing 143 IJB Reforms NCS July 2024
This briefing gives an overview of the IJB reforms set out in the government’s Stage 2 amendments to the NCS ...

Investing in Planning – seeking input from members in planning departments

thumbnail of e-brief Investing in Planning April 24
Scottish Government consultation on resourcing Scotland’s planning system - feedback invited to inform UNISON response The Scottish Government is consulting ...

Briefing 142 Local Government Funding Settlement 2024-25

thumbnail of Briefing 142 Local Gov Funding Settlement March 24
This briefing is on the Local Government Funding Settlement for 2024-25. It includes details of every council's financial allocation. Local ...

Briefing 141 – National Care Service Bill Update

thumbnail of Post Stage One NCS Bill Briefing 141 (2)
The General Principles of the National Care Service Bill were approved by Parliament on 29 February. This briefing summarises where ...

More on briefings page

Latest responses and submissions

Housing (Scotland) Bill response

thumbnail of Final UNISON Housing Bill May 2024
The Housing (Scotland) Bill was introduced to Parliament on 26 March 2024.  The bill has six main parts which include ...

Delivering net zero for Scotland’s buildings: Heat in Buildings Bill

thumbnail of Heat in Buildings Bill Consultation March 24
This is UNISON Scotland's response to the Scottish Government consultation on its proposed Heat in Buildings Bill. We are members ...

Democracy Matters: Local governance Phase 2 consultation

thumbnail of FINAL Local Governance response Feb 2024
This is UNISON's response to the Scottish Government and COSLA  ‘Democracy Matters: Local governance Phase 2 consultation’. The consultation is ...

Additional Support for Learning (ASL)

thumbnail of ASL Consultation Response FINAL Dec 23
This is our response to the Education, Children and Young People Committee’s call for views on Additional Support for Learning ...

More on responses page