
B&C-logoLatest UNISON Scotland Briefings from the Bargaining and Campaigns Team. UNISON Scotland Briefings include Bargaining and Policy Briefings for branches on a wide range of policy and employment issues, e-briefings and Legal Updates and briefings for MSPs and MPs and others to represent UNISON policy where decisions are being made.

thumbnail of E brief – Cuts comes from political choices – not pay claims

E Briefing – Cuts come from political choices not pay claims

In recent weeks politicians have been making the claim that wage claims from workers in public services mean that the Scottish Government will have to make cuts. Seldom mentioned in ... Read More
thumbnail of Briefing 146 – Local Govt Benchmarking Aug 24

Briefing 146 – Local Government Benchmarking report

The Improvement Service have published their twelfth annual "Local Government Benchmarking Framework Report"  The report is compiled for CoSLA & SOLACE and measures local government performance across a range of ... Read More
thumbnail of Briefing 145 NCS Bill stage 2 local government implications

Briefing 145 : NCS Bill Stage 2 Issues for Local Government

This briefing explains the proposals - at least the ones the Scottish Government have published - in Stage 2 of the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill; in relation to how ... Read More
thumbnail of Policy Briefing 144 Revised NSWA July 2024

Briefing 144: National Social Work Agency – NCS Bill Stage 2 Amendments

This briefing gives an update on plans for a National Social Work Agency now that the  Scottish Government has published its Stage 2 amendments to the National Care Service Bill ... Read More
thumbnail of Policy Briefing 143 IJB Reforms NCS July 2024

Briefing 143 National Care Service Bill: Reform of Integrated Joint Boards

This briefing gives an overview of the IJB reforms set out in the government’s Stage 2 amendments to the NCS Bill (published 24 June). The Government has changed its plans ... Read More
thumbnail of E brief – General Election – Registration Drive & Campaign Rules May 2024

e brief – General Election: Registration Drive & Campaign Rules May 2024

The July 4th General Election will have profound implications for UNISON members across Scotland and the whole of the UK. It is vital that every effort is made to encourage ... Read More
thumbnail of e-brief on infection control in education settings

Health Protection In Children and Young People Settings (including Education)

Public Health Scotland (PHS) has published health protection guidance for children and young people settings, including education. The impact of poor infection controls leading to illness among staff has been a ... Read More
thumbnail of e-brief Investing in Planning April 24

Investing in Planning – seeking input from members in planning departments

Scottish Government consultation on resourcing Scotland’s planning system - feedback invited to inform UNISON response The Scottish Government is consulting on proposals for “an efficient, effective and well-resourced planning system.” ... Read More
thumbnail of UNISON Submission Ending Conversion Practices For Web Mar 2024

Ending Conversion Practices Consultation UNISON Submission

This is our response to the Scottish Government's consultation on a proposed Bill outlawing conversion practices ( often called 'conversion therapy'). The proposal by Scottish Government will make it an ... Read More
thumbnail of Briefing 142 Local Gov Funding Settlement March 24

Briefing 142 Local Government Funding Settlement 2024-25

This briefing is on the Local Government Funding Settlement for 2024-25. It includes details of every council's financial allocation. Local government funding is in crisis. Urgent council tax reform is ... Read More

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