National Care Service campaign

The Scottish Government is putting a Bill through Parliament to set up a National Care Service (NCS), the bill leaves profiteering at the heart of care, and will outsource a huge range of functions; all of social work and social care out of councils, and an unknown number of responsibilities out of the NHS.    This threatens the employment and pensions of tens of thousands of workers, and meaning a huge sum of money will be spent on structural change rather then on improving services.

This page will be a hub for UNISON Scotland’s information and resources about UNISON Scotland’s campaign to have the current Bill withdrawn and for the Scottish Government to start again and come up with plans for aa real national Care Service.

We are asking all UNISON members to contact their MSPs, many of whom are still unaware of what the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill contains.

  • You can email your MSPs using this one click link here.
  • UNISON Scotland has prepared a short guide to the Bill, its main provisions, and the implications of a measure that is an unequivocal attack on the idea of publicly delivered public services. You can view the guide here.
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Briefing 145 : NCS Bill Stage 2 Issues for Local Government

This briefing explains the proposals - at least the ones the Scottish Government have published - in Stage 2 of ...
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Briefing 144: National Social Work Agency – NCS Bill Stage 2 Amendments

This briefing gives an update on plans for a National Social Work Agency now that the  Scottish Government has published ...
thumbnail of Policy Briefing 143 IJB Reforms NCS July 2024

Briefing 143 National Care Service Bill: Reform of Integrated Joint Boards

This briefing gives an overview of the IJB reforms set out in the government’s Stage 2 amendments to the NCS ...
Pay care workers the ‘missing millions’

Pay care workers the ‘missing millions’

UNISON social care workers, with unite and GMB, demonstrated outside the Scottish Parliament on Thursday calling for answers to the ...
thumbnail of Post Stage One NCS Bill Briefing 141 (2)

Briefing 141 – National Care Service Bill Update

The General Principles of the National Care Service Bill were approved by Parliament on 29 February. This briefing summarises where ...
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MSP Briefing – National Care Service (Scotland) Bill Stage 1 vote

UNISON has urged MSPs not to vote for the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill. The Scottish people have a right ...
thumbnail of Policy Briefing 139 Revised NCS Jan 2024

Briefing 139 – National Care Service: Revised Government Plans

The Scottish Government has radically revised its plans for a National Care Service.   This follows negotiations with COSLA and the ...
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Towards a REAL National Care Service – Summary Report

This is the Summary of a report commissioned by UNISON Scotland from APSE, the Association for Public Service Excellence and ...
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Towards a REAL National Care Service for Scotland – Full Report

With the National Care Service Bill in tatters, this timely report makes a compelling case for the direct public delivery ...
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e brief – Update on the National Care Service Bill October 2023

Since its introduction in June 2022, UNISON has campaigned for the National Care Service Bill to be withdrawn. We want ...