To be effective in our fight for safe working conditions we need people in every workplace to act as advisors and watchdogs on health and safety issues. You’ll get full training and support from UNISON as well as paid time off from your employer to carry out your union role.
Climate Hazards in the Workplace – Free online training, Wed 3 May 12noon-2pm
Extreme heat – workplace health and safety info
Climate Hazards & Resilience in the Workplace Handbook Online Launch 12-1pm Thurs 7 July
More Health and Safety News
Publications and events
UNISON WEEK 325 – Keep The Promise & more

Responding to health and safety challenges of pandemic and climate change

UNISON’s response to the proposed Bill on Culpable Homicide

Fair Work Charter for Severe Weather

Violence at Work: A Survey of UNISON employers and Staff in Scotland 2018

International Workers Memorial Day 2018 remember the dead fight for the living