Briefing 143 National Care Service Bill: Reform of Integrated Joint Boards

thumbnail of Policy Briefing 143 IJB Reforms NCS July 2024This briefing gives an overview of the IJB reforms set out in the government’s Stage 2 amendments to the NCS Bill (published 24 June).

The Government has changed its plans for a National Care Service (see Briefing 139 Jan 2024). What is now proposed is a reform of the existing Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) and the creation of a National Care Service Board (NCSB).

The main feature is centralisation.

Key points:

  • Integrated Joint Boards would become mandatory. The lead agency model of integration in Highland would cease and there would be a managed transition to an IJB model.
  • A single mandated scheme of delegation is preferred with all services included. Councils would lose responsibility over the planning, delivery & budgets of all children’s social work & social care services along with Justice social work. These would transfer to IJBs/NCS local boards.
  • Independent Chairs appointed by and accountable to Ministers are being considered.
  • Government will be able to directly fund IJBs for specifically agreed purposes.
  • Voting rights on IJBs will be extended.
  • IJBs would be accountable to the National Care Service Board and re-branded as ‘National Care Service local boards’.
  • The services delivered by councils, health boards and other providers would be re-branded as ‘NCS services’.