Common Core of Skills, Knowledge, Understanding and Values for the Children’s Workforce

thumbnail of UNISONScotland_CommonCorefortheChildrensWorkforce_June2011UNISON Scotland supports the introduction of a common core in principle. We are, however unclear about what exactly the common core is that the document is aiming for and therefore, to ascertain the purpose of the document, which made answering some of the questions quite difficult.

Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) addresses much of the content of the common core but it would be helpful to have explicit guidance that GIRFEC is the approach and the common core is about the people using that approach.
UNISON does not believe that this document adds to what is in place at present. The strength of the common core is that it is a tool to influence other things such as learning and development, recruitment etc. but the challenge is to make that happen.

We believe that the document lacks continuity.  The common core should not be a set of competencies as there are already sets of competencies for the workforce.
The proposed common core does, however, cover all people who work in the children‟s service workforce which is welcomed.
However, we are concerned that the document is not strong enough in its present form to inform qualifications, job descriptions, learning and development, etc….

Responses and Submissions