LGBT+ History Month 2024

For UNISON, LGBT+ History Month is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the incredible achievements and progress made by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) community.

Held every February, it serves as a reminder that the fight for equal rights and acceptance is ongoing, while also honouring the individuals who have paved the way for a more inclusive society. 

In 2024, the theme is ‘Medicine – #UnderTheScope’. The theme for 2024 has been chosen to shine a light on the contributions to the field of medicine, including staff in the NHS and other healthcare settings.

Throughout the month we’ll be sharing posts of importance and significance. Did you know that this is the 19th year of celebrating LGBT History Month in the UK?

Send us some stories, photos or information about branch activities you have planned.

#underthescope  #YearofLGBTplusworkers #UNISONtheunion #UNISONLGBT #UNISONscotlgbt