From 6 May 2014 it will be compulsory for anyone wishing to make a complaint to an employment tribunal to first notify ACAS of the dispute. This will trigger a process called early conciliation.
Like many of the current government’s initiatives, it is a process which is still taking shape and information is being fed to those expected to use the service on piece by piece basis.
In light of these changes, we have produced new branch guidance and a new CASE form.
This CASE form will replace the previous CASE forms used in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The form is avaable to download in PDF and Word format. on the UK website by clicking here
You should know that it is mandatory from 6 May 2014 to notify ACAS of a dispute and trigger carly conciliation.
This procedure will be undertaken by organisers once the union’s solicitors assess that a legal case has reasonable prospects of success.
Triggering the early conciliation procedure changes the deadline within which to lodge claims.
Please remember therefore to refer legal cases to your organisers as soon as possible, and in good time before the three months (less one day) deadline.