STUC Congress 2020: The people’s recovery – organising for a fairer future

STUC Congress (which was postponed in April) will take place as a one-day virtual event on Tuesday 17th November. Over 300 delegates from sixty unions and affiliated organisations will attend remotely. The event will be publicly streamed to Facebook, Youtube and on the STUC website.

Congress will debate the Special General Council Statement covering Response to the Crisis; The People’s Recovery; and A Scotland Fit for the Future.

The Congress takes place at a critical time, during a period when trade union membership has continued to grow and governments and key institutions have, by choice or necessity, recognised the central importance of workplace representation.  Few can doubt that the agency and impact of trade unions has increased in Scotland over the past six months.

The STUC’s Special Statement outlines a strategy for this to continue – to ensure an ongoing emphasis on public and workplace health; an economic recovery that does not take us back to previous economic inequalities and injustices; and a Scotland which is democratically and structurally fit to empower working people and free itself from active and institutional discrimination.

For more information please visit the STUC website.