NHS pay rise to be paid as soon as possible, says UNISON

UNISON welcome Scottish government announcement to pay NHS uplift ‘as soon as possible’.

UNISON welcome that Scottish government has said: ‘Ministers are clear that staff should feel the benefit of this pay uplift as soon as possible, and they can therefore confirm that the Scottish government will move to implement this deal as soon as practical.’

UNISON wrote to the Scottish government on 12 May to inform them that UNISON, the largest trade union in the NHS, had voted overwhelmingly to accept the proposed Agenda for Change pay deal for 2021/22.

Willie Duffy, UNISON Scotland head of health said: “We are delighted that the Scottish government has agreed to pay this award into the wage packets of hardworking NHS staff. UNISON has campaigned hard for the NHS team throughout this pandemic and our position has always been that this is the best pay deal we could get through negotiation.

“The NHS has very difficult times ahead. Not least because of the backlog of patients who have had medical procedures delayed because of Covid. UNISON will continue its campaign for increased investment, and better conditions and pay across the health and public services to support our recovery from this pandemic.”

• UNISON is the largest trade union in the NHS in Scotland
• UNISON wrote to Scottish government 12 May informing them that UNISON members had voted
• The pay deal will be backdated to 1 December and will see health workers on Agenda for Change (AfC) pay bands 5-7 given a 4% uplift for 2021-22. Staff on bands 1-4 who currently earn £24,973 or less will receive a flat rise of £1,009, while staff on the highest bands 8-9 will receive an increase of 2% or less.
• UNISON is Scotland’s largest NHS trade union. UNISON members on Agenda for Change pay grades were eligible to take part in the ballot. Almost 50,000 members were balloted and 35% voted – with 84% voting to accept the pay deal.
• Read further details about the pay offer and UNISON campaign here: https://unison-scotland.org/statement-on-nhs-scotland-pay-negotiations-

UNISON Contacts
Willie Duffy: 07904 342129
Danny Phillips, communications officer: 07944 664110