UNISON, Scotland’s biggest health union, will hold socially distanced demonstrations across Scotland on 18 August. The demonstrations are the next
Read moreAuthor: Kay Sillars
Scottish Pensions Bulletin 58: August 2020
The latest pensions bulletin is now available. This issue covers: McCloud/Sergeant cases, pensions training, social care workers, carbon divestment and
Read moreHealth Pay Campaign 2020
This briefing outlines the next steps of our pay campaign. UNISON has formally requested that the Scottish government reopens discussions
Read moreUNISON Demand NHS Pay Talks
UNISON is aware that a number of members have contacted us through Facebook and social media regarding the recent government
Read moreCORONAVIRUS e-brief compulsory testing of staff
Widespread testing for COVID-19 is being suggested as an effective tool in preventing the spread of the virus. UNISON is
Read moreCORONAVIRUS Health Staff: Scottish Government update on physical distancing
Health Staff: The Scottish Government has updated its advice on physical distancing. The changes are detailed and vary by both
Read moreCORONAVIRIS HEALTH STAFF: Wider use of face masks and face coverings in health and social care
The Chief Nursing Officer has issued a letter updating the guidance round the wider use of face masks and face
Read moreCoronavirus Education Staff: Evidence re scrutiny of reopening of schools and ELC settings and associated issues
UNISON’s survey of education staff shows the vast majority are anxious about plans for more children to return to schools
Read moreCoronavirus Health Staff: Re-mobilise, Recover, Re-design: Framework for NHS Scotland
Health Staff: The Scottish Government has published a framework to support the reopening of NHS services. They have set out
Read moreCoronavirus Health Staff: Clarification on single use PPE
Health staff: The Chief Nursing Officer (Fiona McQueen) has issued guidance to boards regarding PPE in order to clarify issues
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