UNISON Scotland Convener Lilian Macer and Sam Macartney, co-chair of our International Committee, are on a UNISON delegation to Cuba. The delegation from the NEC International Committee is the first national delegation in many years and has been organised with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign.
It comes ahead of next year’s 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution and the 80th anniversary of the Cuban TUC (CTC – Central de Trabajadores de Cuba).
The UNISON delegation will be meeting up with the CTC, our sister unions SNTS (health) and SNTAP (public administration) and the Cuban Federation of Women.
Sam and Lilian will provide a full report on their return and in the meantime will send occasional blog reports and photos from their visit (see below). The itinerary includes workplace visits to hospitals, polyclinics, schools and local government offices in both Havana and the Pinar del Rio region.
Report from the Cuban Delegation

Meeting with Cuban trade unions (and cigars) marks end of visit

Pinar del Rio doctors working locally and internationally

Visit to Latin American School of Medicine

Imports and exports and the blockade

Meeting with the women’s federation of Cuba

Education: Cuba has 98% literacy

Meeting Cuban public service unions

CENESEX promoting LGBT rights in Cuba