In this area of Pinar del Rio young doctors train and then go on the missions from Cuba to all areas of Latin America helping the poor and developing nations.
Local doctors work in their own areas and in local hospitals. They are on call 24/7 and run surgeries for all free of charge. Nurses an doctors live and work in their local surgeries and do home visits to the sick, disabled and elderly, also taking care of anyone who comes to their homes at any hour day or night. Now that’s real commitment. No wonder Cuba’s health care is the best in the world today. And note free of charge.

The life expectancy for the people in Pinar del Rio was only 53 before the revolution in January of 1959 and today it registers 79 due to the advances in all levels of Health Care.
At one point over 3,300 health care workers of Pinar del Rio were rendering service in some 49 nations of Latin America, Asia and Africa, helping the most isolated and poor people.
Sam Macartney