#stuc19 Congress congratulated the East Kilbride Rolls Royce workers, and documentary maker Felipe Bustros Sierra, for the fabulous Nae Pasaran film.
The film tells the tale of workers in the 1970s who took a stand against the Chilean military dictatorship, putting their jobs on the line by refusing to maintain Chilean warplane engines – an action of trade union solidarity that would have far-reaching effects, saving lives and giving hope.
Jane Aitchison, UNISON Scotland, supported the motion from South Lanarkshire & East Kilbride Trades Union Council and highlighted the value of the film as a campaigning tool showing the value of international trade union solidarity!
“What wonderful documentary story telling from Felipe Bustros Sierra!”
“Everyone who watches is moved to tears hearing the updates from Chile and seeing the impact the action in Scotland had over there, something the men here did not know about at the time. It was no wonder that John Keenan, Robert Somerville and Bob Fulton were made Commanders of the Republic of Chile, the highest honour given to foreigners.
Jane, who is from East Kilbride herself, explained, “Not all of us can block military engines going to a dictatorship but there are many things we can do that may not seem like much sometimes but can be a great deal to those we are supporting.”
“UNISON hears that message from the trade unionists and others we work with in countries including Turkey, Palestine, Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil. As our General Secretary Dave Prentis said recently, our international work is at the heart of everything we do as a union – and always will be.
“The STUC has a proud record of international solidarity and this motion asks the General Council to build on that through promoting and supporting this wonderful film and establishing solidarity links with Chilean unions.”
Jane said, “I am so proud that UNISON was one of the unions that contributed to the costs of making Nae Pasaran. Our branches have held screenings and will be organising more.”
Click here for more information on the STUC website.