Press releases

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Hundreds of health workers win backdated maternity leave public holidays - UNISON

Hundreds of health workers win backdated maternity leave public holidays – UNISON

Date: Thu 6 June 2013 Women health workers in Scotland are to receive backdated public holidays they were wrongly denied while on maternity leave. NHS mums, including nurses, physiotherapists, cleaners, ... Read More
UNISON calls for massive investment in social housing

UNISON calls for massive investment in social housing

Date: Thu 6 June 2013 Launch of new housing policy document Making Homes for a Fairer Scotland Housing services union UNISON has today called for a massive investment in social housing ... Read More
Union announces Scotland wide strike ballot of council staff

Union announces Scotland wide strike ballot of council staff

Date: Tue 4 June 2013 Local government workers across Scotland are being balloted on strike action, after rejecting a 1% pay offer. UNISON, the public services union, will ballot 75,000 ... Read More
City college praised for successful merger faces possible strike ballot - UNISON

City college praised for successful merger faces possible strike ballot – UNISON

Date: Thu 23 May 2013 UNISON today called for talks at the City of Glasgow College after managers threatened to impose a pay settlement that has been rejected by support ... Read More
Police Custody and Security Officers are fully authorised to take fingerprints and DNA samples - UNISON

Police Custody and Security Officers are fully authorised to take fingerprints and DNA samples – UNISON

Date: Thu 23 May 2013 The union that represents police staff said today that any problems in Tayside around fingerprint and DNA samples are a local issue. George McIrvine, Unison ... Read More
Food safety requires independent regulator says meat inspectors union

Food safety requires independent regulator says meat inspectors union

Date: Thu 23 May 2013 UNISON warned today that the new Scottish version of the Food Standards Agency must have the powers and resources to safeguard the public and stand ... Read More
Public services paying the price of austerity job cuts

Public services paying the price of austerity job cuts

Date: Thu 23 May 2013 UNISON Scotland response to Audit Scotland report on ‘early leavers’ UNISON Scotland has called for an end to the ongoing massive public service job cuts ... Read More
New union project offers personal assistants training and employment rights advice

New union project offers personal assistants training and employment rights advice

Date: Wed 22 May 2013 New union project offers personal assistants training and employment rights advice The public services union UNISON has launched a new project offering networking, advice and ... Read More
Stirling Council set to move away from collective bargaining – unions prepare for strike ballot

Stirling Council set to move away from collective bargaining – unions prepare for strike ballot

Date: Fri 17 May 2013 Statement from the joint trade unions at Stirling Council – UNISON, Unite, GMB and UCATT Council set to walk away from negotiations, collective bargaining: It ... Read More
Bumpy roads across Scotland tell the real story of maintenance spending cut by a fifth - UNISON

Bumpy roads across Scotland tell the real story of maintenance spending cut by a fifth – UNISON

Date: Fri 17 May 2013 UNISON Scotland response to Accounts Commission report on audit update on roads maintenance: UNISON said today that the key point to emerge from the report ... Read More