STUC 2019: Communications & Campaigns Committee reports on UNISON speakers on the main issues every day at the 122nd STUC Congress in Dundee in 15-17 April. Reports will also appear in Scotland inUNISON’s May issue. For an overview of the whole Congress go to the STUC website

Call for action to end violence at work
#stuc19 Congress reaffirmed that no worker should face violence or aggression their workplace and highlighted the employers’ duty of care ...

Supporting children with additional support needs can’t be done on the cheap
#stuc19 Congress backed a UNISON amendment to an EIS motion to ensure statutory provision of all the staff needed to ...

Boss’s 44% pay rise slammed as jobs go in Scottish Gas
#stuc19 Congress gave UNISON’s Willie Docherty overwhelming support as he called for unequivocal condemnation of the job losses at Scottish ...

We need a Just Transition not just for workers but for communities at frontline of climate change
#stuc19 A number of Just Transition motions were debated at Congress on Wednesday morning then remitted in favour of a ...

International solidarity at the heart of trade unionism
#stuc19 The international section of the Congress agenda saw delegates support action to address oppression and inequality across the world ...

Campaign to restore pre-austerity pay levels
#stuc19 Congress called on the STUC General Council to organise and co-ordinate a public sector pay campaign for above-inflation pay ...

Nae Pasaran – a moving tale of international solidarity
#stuc19 Congress congratulated the East Kilbride Rolls Royce workers, and documentary maker Felipe Bustros Sierra, for the fabulous Nae Pasaran film ...

Campaign to defend all workers’ rights under Brexit
#stuc19 Congress pledged to work with national and international trade union organisations to protect workers’ rights and to prevent a ...

STUC pledges action to highlight and support Kurdish hunger strikers
#stuc19 Depute Convener Stephen Smellie seconded an emergency motion on the Kurdish hunger strikers, who are calling for an end ...

STUC condemns raids and harassment of Scottish Kurdish community
#stuc19 The STUC backed a call to condemn police raids and harassment of the Kurdish community in Scotland and will ...

Challenging the health and education effects of energy drinks
#stuc19 STUC delegates voted to lobby government to tackle the health and education problems of energy drinks on young people ...

Time to work together for a trans inclusive world
#stuc19 Following a passionate debate, Congress backed a call from the STUC LGBT+ Conference to put pressure on the Scottish ...