NHS Lothian Safe Staffing Concerns 28 March 2024 Greig Kelbie The Safe Staffing Act places an obligation on NHS employers to listen to staff who raise concerns over safe staffing and patient safety. Even if you have used the local reporting mechanism (datix) you are legally entitled to escalate your concerns if you feel that you are not being listened too. Use the form below to report any safe staffing concerns directly to your Health Board's Chief Executive / Nursing Director. Your input is indispensable, and each submission will also be CC'd to your UNISON branch. Remember, while this form is a valuable tool, members should also record incidents on datix. This form is not a substitute for datix reporting. Your active participation truly makes an important impact! Your Name (required) Workplace (required) Employer (required) Job title (required) Contact phone number Your Email (required) Date of concern (required) Time of concern (approx) (required) Period of time affected e.g. Whole shift, part of shift (be specific as possible) (required) Number of patient / staff affected (required) Description of safe staffing issue (Area of practise affected) Number of staff on duty (provide further info on skill mix, experience and band if available Reasons for reporting Have you reported your concerns to your line manager? (required) YesNo If YES, What action was taken? Date & time they were informed (required) Are you a UNISON member? (required) YesNo I consent to UNISON storing my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry. Δ