Standing up for Scotland’s health service workers
UNISON organisers and activists work together to make sure our members’ concerns are heard – whether it’s about pay, health and safety, discrimination or the future of our NHS.
UNISON represents our members working in health services in Scotland in many ways:
- Offering help and advice at work;
- Lobbying the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government on issues our members care about;
- Having a strong voice on the Scottish partnership organisations, which negotiate terms and conditions issues for NHS Scotland staff;
- Raising our members professional/local concerns or by highlighting issues that will affect all health workers at a national level.
Standing up for Scotland’s health service
But as well as representing our members in the workplace – UNISON care passionately about the future of the NHS as a publicly funded service that is free at the point of delivery. The NHS is a public service we can all be proud of, and UNISON wants to keep it that way!