Staff join protest against proposed closures of two nurseries in West College Scotland

West College Scotland staff will join parents and students to protest against the proposed closures of two West College Scotland nursery schools. The college plans to close the nursery schools at its Greenock and Paisley campuses as well as scaling back its catering services on all its sites.

“If the need hasn’t gone away, why should the services?” say unions as they continue the fight to save the two much-loved nurseries.

The two largest trade unions in Scotland, UNISON and UNITE, who represent early years workers and catering staff, are calling for college bosses to reverse their decision and give serious consideration to alternative options.

Demonstrations of staff, parents, students and local people will take place at Paisley Campus at 3pm on 22nd February and the Greenock Campus at 3pm on 23rd February

UNISON regional organiser, Lorcan Mullen said: “These are both much-loved nursery schools in Greenock and Paisley and they are a lifeline for local communities. Closing them would not only impact on the children and families who already use the service but also put up a barrier for parents returning to education.  And to cut catering provision at a time when students are beginning to return to campuses makes no sense at all.  If the need hasn’t gone away, then why should the services? We are urging college chiefs to halt their plans and keep these nurseries open and properly consider alternative proposals with parents, students and the local community.”

Alison Maclean, Unite Regional Officer said: “The proposal to close these nurseries will have a devastating impact on staff as well as the local communities they serve. The unions are consulting with our members who have come up with counter proposals and we would expect the college to consider these very carefully.  Our members in catering have already been hit hard during the pandemic and to now cut their jobs and services that students and staff rely on makes no sense at a time when the colleges continue to open their doors and return to some normality”.

UNISON Contacts
For more information contact Danny Phillips, Communications Officer, on 07944 664 110 or