UNISON Scotland, the Scottish Trades Union Congress and many more are backing the Stand up to Racism UN Anti-racism demonstration in Glasgow’s George Square at 11am on 16 March.
16 March, UN Anti-Racism Day, is the day the world marches against racism and the rise of the far right. International coordination will see demonstrations alongside those in Britain taking place in: the US (New York & Washington DC); Brazil; Germany; Austria; Poland; Hungary; Greece; Catalonia & Spain; Denmark; Netherlands; Ireland; France; Turkey; Australia; Canada. We are agreed on the shared hashtag: #WorldAgainstRacism
Backing the demonstration, the STUC said: “There has been a sinister ‘normalisation’ of racism as a result of austerity, of cuts and scapegoating. We need to challenge this and celebrate our diversity.”
Stand Up to Racism said: “In Scotland over the past year we saw a shocking series of racist attacks in Edinburgh and disgusting threats to evict “failed” asylum seekers from their homes in Glasgow. With reports recently revealing that one of the biggest hotspots for far right activity in Britain is just over the border in the north east of England we recommit to counter the far right threat and offer our full solidarity to anti-racists across Britain doing the same.”
More details at https://www.facebook.com/SUTRscot/
The demonstration is backed by STUC Black Workers Committee, UNISON Scotland, Unite Scotland, EIS, RMT Scotland, FBU Scotland, PCS Scotland, CWU Scotland, TSSA Scotland, Positive Action In Housing, Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, Scottish Afghan Society, Unite Against Fascism, People’s Assembly Scotland, Show Racism The Red Card Scotland, All Under One Banner, Edinburgh Trades Union Council, Glasgow Trades Union Council, Glasgow Unite Area Activist Committee, Glasgow & West Of Scotland Unite Retired Members, Glasgow Unite Community, Glasgow City UNISON, Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees, Perth Against Racism, Glasgow Sudanese community, Social Work Action Network, Love Music Hate Racism