Your first point of contact is your local branch. In most cases that is where will get support and representation. They will know the local circumstances, agreements and conditions that affect you. To find up to date contact details for your local branch use the UNISON UK branch finder to search by the name of your employer.
The alphabetical list below is provided for general information and does not give contact details. However, where the branch has a local website and/or social media, there is a link to it.
- Aberdeen City Branch
- Aberdeen Universities Branch
- Aberdeenshire Branch
- Angus Branch
- Argyll and Bute Branch
- Ayrshire and Arran Health Branch
- British Waterways Board
- Capability Scotland
- Carstairs Branch
- City of Edinburgh Branch
- Clackmannanshire Branch
- Dumfries and Galloway Branch
- Dundee City Branch
- Dundee University Branch
- East Ayrshire Branch
- East Dunbartonshire Branch
- East Lothian Council Branch
- East Renfrewshire Branch
- Falkirk Council Branch
- Fife Health Branch
- Fife UNISON Branch
- Forth Valley Health Branch
- Gas Branch Scotland
- Glasgow Caledonian University Branch
- Glasgow City Branch
- Glasgow University Branch
- Grampian Health Branch
- Heriot Watt University Branch
- Highland Branch
- Highland Health Branch
- Housing and Care Scotland Branch
- Inverclyde Branch
- Lanarkshire Health Branch
- Lothian Health Branch
- Midlothian Branch
- Moray Council Branch
- Napier University Branch
- NHS 24 Branch
- NHS Glasgow, Clyde and CVS Branch
- North Ayrshire Branch
- North Lanarkshire Branch
- Orkney Health Branch
- Orkney Local Services Branch
- Perth and Kinross Branch
- Police Staff Scotland Branch
- Renfrewshire Council Branch
- Scottish Ambulance Service Branch
- Scottish Borders Branch
- Scottish Children’s Reporters
- Scottish Electricity
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Branch
- Scottish Healthcare Branch
- Scottish Qualifications Authority Branch
- Scottish Regulation of Care Branch
- Scottish Water Branch
- SEPA Branch
- Shetland UNISON
- Skills Development Scotland Branch
- South Ayrshire Branch
- South Lanarkshire Branch
- SSE Scotland
- St Andrews University Branch
- Stirling Council Branch
- Stirling University Branch
- Strathclyde University Branch
- Tayside Healthcare Branch
- UNISON Scotland Further Education Branch
- University of Edinburgh Branch
- West Dunbartonshire Branch
- West Lothian Council Branch
- West of Scotland University Branch
- West of Scotland Voluntary Sector Branch
- Western Isles Health Branch
- Western Isles Local Government Branch