UNISON Scotland Labour Link has called for both votes Labour in Scottish Parliament election on Thursday 5 May 2016.
UNISON Labour Link Scotland exists to take UNISON polices into the Scottish Labour Party. In this election the Scottish Labour manifesto delivers on our priorities.
These include:
• Using the new powers of the Scottish Parliament to increase public spending and stop the cuts by setting the basic and higher rates (for the richest 1%) of income tax 1p higher. This is the only way to save local services and thousands of members’ jobs – primarily in local government.
• Scrapping the Council Tax and replacing it with a new approach similar to UNISON’s plan.
• Making health inequalities a priority, not just by funding the NHS, but also by addressing the root causes of inequality in early years, education, housing, wages and social security.
• Raising wages by making Scotland a living wage nation, including sectoral collective bargaining and tackling exploitative zero-hours contracts. Adopting in full UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter.
• Protection against violence at work, including tougher sentences for those who assault workers.
• Promoting the positive role of trade unions in the workplace. Extending the role of the Union Learning Fund. Abolishing Employment Tribunal fees. Scottish Labour will not comply with the Trade Union Bill.
• Opposing the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that threatens public services.
• Building 60,000 affordable homes, 45,000 by councils and social landlords. Regulating rip off rents in the private sector and driving up standards to those in the social housing sector.
• A cleaner and greener Scotland with a balanced energy policy that bans fracking. Community energy initiatives and a Warm Homes Act to tackle fuel poverty that blights so many households.
• Keeping Scottish Water as a public service.
• Support for an active transport policy including public transport that is publicly regulated and owned.
• Supporting Time for Inclusive Education (TiE). Ensuring the staff who work with young people can provide support, tackle bullying and respond to homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.
• Rebuilding the links between the police and local communities, including a balanced workforce that recognises the specialist role of civilian police staffs.
• Extending the scope of Freedom of Information laws to include all those who take public contracts. Procurement policies that exclude companies that engage in aggressive tax avoidance – not just evasion.
There are many more pledges that reflect UNISON’s policy positions in the Scottish Labour manifesto. You can read them at http://www.scottishlabour.org.uk/blog/entry/scottish-labour-manifesto-2016
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If you are a UNISON member who pays into the Affiliated Political Fund and have any questions regarding UNISON Scotland Labour Link please email Malcolm Burns m.burns@unison.co.uk