#uNDC16 The 3,000 strong UNISON Conference sent messages of support to the striking Glasgow jannies as the branch updated delegates on their action.
In a special statement, Glasgow City’s Sam Macartney told delegates: “Cordia and Glasgow City Council are still refusing to have any meaningful dialogue with UNISON to resolve this dispute.
“In fact they are now suggesting a restructuring review of the service and duties carried out by janitors.”
Since this will be under the council’s cuts review and will have “a major impact on the service, jobs and community.”
Scottish secretary Mike Kirby has stepped in to speak to the council leader but there has been no response yet.
Sam told Conference that UNISON attempts at getting dialogue “has been spurned by the employer from the beginning of the dispute.”
“The employer has been hell-bent on breaking this dispute and has spent up to £10,000 a day, nearly £200,000 a month using scab labour to attempt to break the will of the members.
“The jannies have fought on and have become more committed to achieving fair pay and conditions. See their Justice4Jannies website at https://www.commonspace.scot/articles/3675/justice-jannies-glasgow-primary-school-and-nursery-janitors-strike-and-protest”
Sam called on delegates to: “Send a message to all councils. Cuts to services and attacks on members’ terms and conditions are not acceptable.
“Our jannies will continue to seek fair pay and conditions like other workers in the council. They deserve justice. Please help them achieve this. Justice For Jannies!”