NHS Pay Ballot how long is left to vote?

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Thousands of NHS Workers are voting in our NHS Pay Ballot

UNISON’s NHS members consultative pay ballot closes 5pm Monday 8 August. Get your vote in! Your voice matters.

If you are a UNISON member, a health worker AND we have an up to date email for you, you will have received an unique ballot email with a voting link. If you don’t have it please check your Spam / junk email inbox. You can only vote with this unique ballot link 

UNISON members are being balloted on a final Scottish Government pay offer. Check our campaigns page for further details.

Your local UNISON health branches are holding final member meetings and local stewards are coming to your workplaces to discuss pay offer and answer any final questions.

While UNISON is recommending you REJECT this pay deal. We genuinely need to hear your views.