STUC 2023 – Supporting further education staff

Congress showed support for staff in further education about to take industrial action – after rejecting a miserly 2% pay offer. The issue was raised by an emergency motion from the EIS about a forthcoming strike by college lecturers.

Lorraine Thompson from UNISON spoke in support of the motion – reminding congress as she did so that lecturers aren’tr the only workers getting a raw deal in Scotland’s Colleges

UNISON members roles  in supporting learning; as cleaners, librarians , admin and business support, technicians amongst others, were highlighted. They too have rejected the pay offer – and recently voted resoundingly for industrial action.

“Like their lecturer colleagues” Lorraine said “they are saying that enough is enough. They don’t want to be on strike, but if the Scottish Government won’t listen then they will be on the picket lines, with I know the support of all of us here today”.

The motion passed unanimously