Community Justice (Scotland) Bill 2015

thumbnail of CommunityJusticeBill_UNISONSubmissiontoSPJusticeCttee_Aug2015UNISON Scotland responded to the consultation on “Redesigning the Community Justice System” in April 2013 in which we supported Option B to put the statutory responsibility for the strategic planning, commissioning and delivery of services firmly within the local authority, delivered by local planning frameworks (Community Planning Partnerships, Alcohol and Drug Partnerships or the proposed Health and Social Care Partnerships).  We also responded to the Scottish Parliament‟s call for evidence in July 2014 on the Future Model of Community Justice in Scotland.

As stated in our response to the earlier consultations, UNISON Scotland fully supports the aims of the Scottish Government to reduce reoffending.  We welcome the fact that reoffending rates have fallen over the years but accept that there is still a lot more that could be done, particularly in areas of prevention which would deliver clear improved outcomes.

We are pleased that the Scottish Government has not chosen a national service as its preferred method of delivery, but are happy to support a national framework to help assure consistency of service across Scotland. We are not, however, convinced that the balance of responsibility between the new body Community Justice Scotland and local delivery organisation is correct.

Responses and Submissions