Term time working is a form of flexible working with particular relevance to parents or other UNISON members with childcare responsibilities . It is becoming a more popular request, particularly as families seek to cope with stagnating incomes and rising childcare costs. Term time working should play a part in our bargaining agenda as part of helping members attain better work life balance and as part of our equalities commitment. We should be aiming to make it part of every employers flexible working agreement and an option that members feel able to consider if they feel it matches their needs. This briefing is aimed at providing stewards and activists with a brief summary of the rights and responsibilities around term time working.
- Term time working should be included as an option in any workplace agreements around flexible working
- Employers must consider Term Time working requests as they would any other flexible working request.
- If requests are not granted clear reasons must be given.
- Employees have the right to appeal decisions.