The Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) is consulting on increasing the overall contribution made by members to the NHS pension scheme.
This briefing outlines some of the main features of what is being proposed and gives some of the background.
Some grades will see increased contributions, while higher grades would see a decrease.
- supports the NHS Pension Scheme
- supports the moves towards actual earnings for part time workers
- supports the annual tier changes in line with pay awards
- supports having changes phased over a number of years
- does not support the changes which will increase pension costs for low and middle income members
Please note the Action for Branches:
Hold stalls and walk about your workplaces giving out this UNISON briefing note.
Encourage your members to use the UNISON template consultation response
You can use a tablet to help them sign and send it. (Make sure responses are in by the deadline of midnight on 15 August.)
Use the materials provided to create some energy on your social media.