Briefing 151 – Accounts Commission report: Additional Support for Learning

thumbnail of ASL Briefing 4 March 2025 (4)This briefing summarises the latest Accounts Commission report on Additional Support for Learning. UNISON members in pupil support roles play an essential part in delivering ASL.

The Accounts Commission looked at how well the Scottish Government and councils are addressing demand for ASL in publicly funded primary, secondary and special schools. It examined the resources allocated and deployed by central and local government to implement the 2004 ASL legislation. It also assessed how well the provision of ASL and the outcomes for children are being monitored, and the Government’s progress in meeting previous commitments given to improve things.

Audit Scotland’s findings endorse what UNISON has been saying for many years:

  • the mainstreaming of ASL is good in principle, but in practice it is not resourced adequately.
  • Audit Scotland places responsibility for this on the Scottish Government which it says has neither planned for or delivered the resources needed to deliver an inclusive approach to ASL.
  • Government funding for councils has not kept pace with the continued growth in the number of pupils with ASL needs. As a result it is not working for most pupils with ASL.

The Accounts Commission recommends councils review over the next 12-24 months how both mainstream and special education is provided and identify any required changes. This should consider e.g. capacity in classrooms, staffing numbers, mix of teachers and classroom support staff, training and qualifications for support staff.

It recommends that councils involve education support staff in this review process, along with pupils, parents, carers and teachers.