#uNDC16 UNISON will co-ordinate the fight for pay justice, decent living standards and the “real” living wage across the whole union linked with UNISON’s opposition to austerity and defence of public services.
It will continue to highlight falling living standards as a result of the Tory government’s attack on welfare benefits and will campaign on equal pay, and workplace issues such as an end to zero hours contracts and staff shortages.
Scottish Convener, Lilian Macer brought a Scottish perspective to the debate highlighting the launch in Scotland by the Fair Work Convention of a framework for fair work that balances the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers for the benefit of all.
Lilian, who represents UNISON Scotland and the STUC on the Convention, highlighted the very positive and progressive work in Scotland which involves unions, employers and the Scottish Government. She told delegates that the Fair Work Convention has an “aspirational” agenda and has drawn on research and good practice that benefit both employers and employees.
“We have seen and heard evidence that fair work can deliver clear benefits for individuals alongside higher productivity, performance and innovation for employers,” said Lilian.
“We believe that fair work is work that offers workers an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect.
“In UNISON Scotland we will use the five key dimensions to deliver a sustainable organising and bargaining strategies that allow our members to embrace the opportunities that fair work offers,” pledged Lilian.

In the same debate Dundee’s Jim McFarlane called for the union to campaign for a minimum wage of £10 per hour.
Jim said, “We should never accept the agrument of the Tories and our employers that there is no money for decent pay when there are billions for bankers and big business, billions for nuclear weapons and war.”
He called on the union to campaign to raise the living standards of us all. “Our communities, our service users and our members deserve nothing less.”