UNISON Scotland welcomes the Scottish Government’s Fair Work Convention Paper. UNISON was involved in working hard to make sure the conclusions reflect workers needs. It indicates employers should get Living Wage Accredited and provide staff with greater security of employment. It also encourages better training and development of staff, respect at work and better health and safety. Full details are at the following site
The Scottish Government made it clear that Universities should be promoting “Fair Work”. If you are interested in helping us campaign, please contact Emma Phillips e.phillips@unison.co.uk
The Government give guidance to Universities to encourage Living Wage Accreditation and Fair Working via the Scottish Funding Council.
Section 14 states
Fair Work and Living Wage Accreditation
14. Ministers have been clear that public bodies should lead the way on Fair Work, ensuring access to good jobs providing security and opportunity to employees, treating them with respect and providing fair reward. In line with this, I welcome confirmation that the SFC has, over the course of 2015-16, become an Accredited Living Wage Employer. I would ask that you build on this by encouraging more FE and HE institutions to become Accredited Employers themselves and to promote the benefits of Fair Work, both through their HR functions and more widely to staff and students.