We regret to announce the loss of long time UNISON activist Lillie MacNaughton who died on 8 September.
“Lillie was a true example of a trade union activist”, said Raymond Brown, past secretary of UNISON Strathclyde Police and Fire Branch. “She was police convenor for many years in the Strathclyde regional council branch of UNISON and later became an active member of the Strathclyde police and fire branch.
“She represented retired members for many years at a branch, Scottish and national level and continued being active within our union until she was approaching 80 years of age. She was a great inspiration to both young and old in UNISON. She will always be remembered as wee Lillie and will be sadly missed”.
Mike Kirby, UNISON Scottish secretary added: “Active as a treasurer in the Police Service for many decades, delegate to Scottish Council and National Delegate Conference, Lillie was a dear, dear lady at the core of what the trade union is about, particularly when making her debut speaking at conference in 2006 in support of support of full rights at age 16, along with the right to vote.”
Lillie spoke passionately on this issue again at UNISON Conference in 2009 and the STUC Congress in 2010 at the age of 80, leading to her being made an honorary UNISON Scotland Young Member!
Lillie’s funeral is at 11am on Friday 15 September at Greenock Crematorium.