Local government pay claim submitted

thumbnail of Local Government Draft pay claim 2025UNISON Scotland local government committee has submitted its pay claim to employers COSLA for the period April 2025 to March 2026.

The claim calls for a significant increase for all members of council staff as ‘a necessary step to address the severe erosion of pay and to ensure fair compensation for all local government workers’.

Key elements are:

A 6.5% increase to all spinal column points and related allowances, crucial for restoring pay levels and making significant progress towards UNISON claim for a minimum pay rate of £15 per hour.

Parity with other local government bargaining groups, ensuring no less than equal treatment.

UNISON Scotland’s local government committee chair, Collete Hunter said, “We need fair pay for all local government staff. This is a pragmatic claim which addresses the devaluation of local government worker’s pay. It also calls for a minimum of £15 an hour.

“Both are essential if local government want to attract and retain the highest quality staff.”

“We will continue to pressure the Scottish government to ensure that local government gets its fair share when it comes to the allocation of finances.”

The pay claim covers all council workers covered by SJC conditions.