Conference reports from a Scotland perspective and where Scotland delegates are particularly involved are posted here throughout the week of 21-24 June 2016. For other reports see the UK pages.
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Changes to state pension hit women hardest
#uNDC16 The new single tier pension introduced in April is discriminatory towards women as most cannot accrue the same pension ...

3,000 send support for #Justice4Jannies
#uNDC16 The 3,000 strong UNISON Conference sent messages of support to the striking Glasgow jannies as the branch updated delegates on ...

New measures to support activists
#uNDC16 UNISON must put support mechanisms in place for stewards dealing with stressful and complex situations, Lanarkshire Health’s Margo Cranmer told ...

Privatised electricity not fit for purpose
#uNDC16 UNISON will step up the campaign to bring the energy industry back into public ownership and urge the Labour Party ...

Keep public services in-house – better for staff, better for service users.
#uNDC16 UNISON will continue its fight to keep public services in-house and set out a range of measures to support ...

Tools to support young members deal with bullying
#uNDC16 Conference paid tribute to the Scottish Young Members’ publication, Gonnae No Dae That? – a guide for young workers on ...

Supporting stewards essential to building union’s strength
#uNDC16 Conference backed a range of measures to improve training and support for activists. The motion recognised that we have lost ...

Palestine: End occupation, oppression and ethnic cleansing
#uNDC16 Conference reiterated its clear support for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) in support of a call ...