For many years university pay has not kept up. Not kept up with the cost of your bills, the cost of your rent or mortgage – nor the pay rises awarded to vice chancellors. You deserve a pay rise. (Download the full claim here)
UNISON is campaigning for:
- A real pay rise, that both keeps up with inflation and catches up with the shortfall from years of low pay.
- All universities to pay at least the Foundation Living Wage of £9 across the UK and £10.55 in London.
- Fair contracts which ensure all staff work the same hours for the same pay.
UNISON is the biggest union representing university support staff. Along with other unions, we will negotiate with your employer and campaign for all in HE to be paid properly
But we can’t do it without you. You have a vital role to play. Here are some things you can do to help secure your pay rise:
1. Update your contact details
This is vital to consult you on a pay offer. Just go to myUNISON at my.unison.org.uk to check your membership record is correct or call UNISON Direct on 0800 0 857 857.
2. Ask your colleague if they’re a member
If not, ask them to join UNISON. The stronger we are in each and every workplace, the more chance we have of achieving a better pay offer. They can join online at join.unison.org.uk