UNISON Social Work Issues Group Scotland Lunchtime Radical Social Work Webinar Series No. 23 – Recorded on Wednesday 11th October.
A Radical Approach to Care Management
Care management has been with us since the marketisation of social work in the 1990s. It’s become so much a part of the scenery that it’s almost taken for granted.
Given the widespread recognition of how social work practice has become over-proceduralised and distant from the people who use services, what part does care management play in dissatisfaction by service users and discontent amongst staff?
Our latest UNISON Scotland Social Work Issues Group radical social work webinar series (No 23) explores these issues from a radical and trade union based viewpoint. We have three speakers – all rooted in practice and familiar with the issues:
- Rob Mitchell activist and manager from Bradford who is co-author of Social Work, Cats and Rocket Science .
- Becs Phillips senior practitioner from Carmarthenshire Council, Wales whose team have an interesting approach to working with Alcohol Related Brain Damage sufferers that challenges the care management model.
- Colin Turbett social work author, Common Weal Care Reform Group
- Chaired by Kate Ramsden.