Radical Social Work Webinar Series 31: Justice social work services

Our latest free one-hour lunchtime webinar series takes a critical look at justice social work services.

With overcrowded prisons and systems, in many places, stretched beyond staffing capacity, what can be done to improve services? How can staff promote the interests of people damaged by society, and still fulfil a duty to the community to protect the interests of the victims of offending?

Our speakers, both leaders in the field, are:

Dr Beth Weaver: Professor of Criminal and Social Justice, Vice Dean (Knowledge Exchange) HaSSAssociate Director of The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, School of Social Work and Social Policy, University of Strathclyde.

Jackie Hamilton: Senior Manager Children & Justice Services in South Ayrshire, Jackie worked for many years in justice settings, and is well respected for her knowledge and commitment to this area of work. She is a UNISON member.

Chaired by Colin Turbett, a retired social worker and active author based in the West of Scotland, with an interest in radical practice. He is an active member of the Common Weal think tank Care Reform Group, and the trade union Unison Scotland’s Social Work Issues Group.