We asked our members to outline their experiences in a sector that has experienced huge change in service delivery as well as being an all too obvious target for to budget cuts in many places . The picture they paint is one of widening responsibilities, increasing workload, greater strain and growing uncertainty. Work for many is becoming a less rewarding experience – and not just financially.
The Scottish Government took part in an exercise drawing up a national strategy for Scotland’s public libraries for the next five years . This declared mission of Scotland’s public libraries to be part “of a shared civic ambition to fulfil the potential of individuals and communities”. As those employed in our libraries find the gulf between what they could be doing and what they have to do as a result of tightening budgets growing ever wider.
More in PDF
ReadItandWeep_LibrariesStaffSurvey_Sep2015 PDF
See also:
Fine words and ideals no substitute for investment: UNISON inquiry into Scotland’s libraries 9 August 2015
Briefing 67: Public Libraries Strategy 2015-2020 June 2015