A busy UNISON Scotland Health & Safety Seminar on 22 October 2021 covered a range of issues, linking topical issues like climate change, Covid and stress at work. The main presentations can be downloaded below.
A briefing paper by Tracy Hill covering all of the contributions is available here.

Workplace Mental Health update – Scott Donohoe (H&S Committee Chair)
The 2020/21 TUC safety rep survey showed that 65% of reps are dealing with more mental health concerns since the pandemic began – three-quarters quoted stress as a workplace hazard.
Scott urged branches to set out a strategy of training, information and data gathering, awareness raising and publicity using a range of resources including social media, and getting employers to produce a Mental Health action plan.

Emerging Workplace issues – Andy Watterson (University of Stirling)
Frying, flooding, fouling and freezing: Short, medium and long term OHS challenges for UNISON Scotland members linked to climate change, public health & related air quality issues, and pandemics.

Ventilation in Schools campaign – Gemma Sewell
Gemma gave detailed report back on the work the network have been campaigning on in relation to workplace ventilation within schools – Covid issues like airborne transmission, lack of face covering/masks and installation of plex glass…