Retired Members’ delegate, Scotland’s Rose Jackson welcomed the rule change to increase the number of young members’ seats on the NEC to two.
Rose said, “Like the mover of this rule amendment I’d like to say straight up that I don’t stand to benefit out of this.”
To laughter she added, “I know this is very hard to believe – but I’ve already turned 27 years of age!
“So I won’t be a candidate for the extra seat for young members.”
However she told delegates that the extra seats will make the NEC more representative of UNISON’s young members and pointed out that every year, members who have graduated from the young members organisation have taken up more and more senior positions in the union.
“I look forward to one day welcoming former young members into the retired members’ organisation,” added Rose to more amusement from delegates.
She called for support for the young members of this union who are the future of this union and closed with words from the George Benson classic R&B hit…
“I believe the children are our future,
“Teach them well and let them lead the way,
“Show them all the beauty they possess inside,
“Give them a sense of pride to make it easier.”
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