Online only update Glasgow equal pay: ‘This important concession has been won for one reason and one reason only – the willingness of trade union members to take strike action.’
Sometimes news moves too fast for printed media and in this issue the news came through about the Glasgow equal pay win only hours after SiU had gone to print. We have therefore featured the print version here but also an online-only edition with a new front page with the breaking news. You can still print out the online one and get it up on your notice board.
- Glasgow women to strike again for equal pay justice; Glasgow women strike vote forces equal pay concessions;
- UNISON Scotland welcomes Tracey as first female Scottish Secretary;
- COUNCIL ELECTIONS: Democracy, fairness and recovery: UNISON Manifesto stands up for services and people who provide them;
- Call for support as Napier and Queen Margaret strike on pay and pensions;
- UNISON demands above inflation pay rises as costs soar;
ORIGINAL PRINT VERSION Branches urged to use new fund for support and organising
- Social work members win promise of fit for purpose facility for staff and families
- HE conference backs Scottish call for devolved bargaining;
- Fight goes on as Hairmyres fails to bring hard working staff in house;
- Argyll & Bute social work assistants win major regrading;
- End of era as three UNISON Scotland stalwarts retire;
- New organising packs for members working in education;
- Members and branches rally to support as UNISON condemns invasion of Ukraine;
- Pardons: Scotland’s witchcraft and disability shame;
- Housing and Care wins 3.5% rise and four-day week talks;und for support and organising;
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