Thousands march in Edinburgh to demand Pay Up Now!
- UNISON submits NHS pay claim to roll back austerity
- Scottish Government must use powers to protect services
- Rise in attacks on public service staff is ‘tip of iceberg’
- #Cash4Tache demo keeps up pressure for equal pay
- Key issue for schools is not structures but cuts
- Call to back Residential Care Charter
- UNISON calls for end to 15 minute home care visits
- St Andrew’s Day Rallies Against Racism
Saturday 25 November, 10.30 at Glasgow Green. Aberdeen rally now 12.00 at Castlegate - Midlothian UNISON takes campaign to save 400 jobs to government
- NEC report: Engaging members, changing opinion, fighting for better pay
- Scotland’s population is getting older – who cares?
- Obituaries: Chris Bartter, Rodney Bickerstaffe, Lillie McNaughton
- … and more