Scottish Water workers vote to take action over pay 

Workers in Scottish Water have voted to take action unless proposed changes to their pay and grading are withdrawn to allow proper transparency and negotiations, and a fair pay offer is put on the table.

UNISON consulted its members with 82% saying they were willing to take strike action.

The union is now calling on Scottish Water to give their staff a decent cost of living pay rise and to sit down properly to discuss any new pay and grading proposals with them.

UNISON Scottish Water branch secretary, Patricia McArthur said: “It is not acceptable to withhold a cost of living pay rise when workers are living through the highest inflation in generations. They should not have to wait for a pay rise which is already months late. We have not said that we are against all of their new pay changes, we have asked for openness, transparency and proper negotiations.   Scottish Water have not provided the information to allow this.”

UNISON regional organiser Emma Phillips said: “Scottish Water have made a dog’s dinner of their proposals over pay. The lack of accountability and openness is deplorable. It’s no wonder staff have rejected these proposals outright. In any restructuring there are winners and losers, but it’s backfired because they have simply tried to bulldoze these proposals through. Scottish Water need to get around the table to get a decent cost of living pay rise into the pockets of the hard-working staff, and then we can look at their options for restructuring.”

Notes to editors

UNISON is the largest union in Scottish Water.

UNISON is the largest union in public services representing staff in energy and utilities, local government, NHS, education, police staff, NDPBs, social care and community voluntary sector.

UNISON media contacts 

  • Emma Phillips: 07841 901890
  • Danny Phillips: 07944 664110