Have you ever considered getting actively involved in UNISON?
Maybe you have or maybe you haven’t. Either way here are ten good reasons to consider getting involved:
1) KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON You’ll get to know more about what’s going on at college and in your practice areas.
2) GO FURTHER It will help you develop by providing new opportunities for education, training and personal development.
3) BECOME A REPRESENTATIVE You’ll be contributing something, no matter how little you do. You could be a college contact – making sure members receive information, acting as a link, between members and the union.
4) PROVIDE A LINK You will participate in the democratic structures of the union – lots of opportunities for all kinds of people. As well as local branches, there are regional and national levels to the union that need people like you to get involved. There are also groups for members, to allow them equal access to and an equal voice in the union – for women, black members, lesbian and gay members, retired and young members.
5) MAKE IT HAPPEN You’ll help ensure that UNISON is the kind of union you want it to be. It’s only as good as you make it.
6) SPEAK IN UNISON You’ll be part of the biggest union in the country – contributing towards our influential voice on a huge range of issues. Ensure that your members are heard!
7) WORK AS A TEAM You can get together with friends and colleagues and meet new people.
8) AND IF THAT’S NOT ENOUGH If you become a UNISON steward, we’ll send you on a training course, give you advice and support.
9) MORE OF A SAY You can have more of a say on what UNISON does in your college and practice areas – bring up issues that you really know are of importance to you and your colleagues. Whatever the issue, the only way you can change it, is to bring it up in the first place.
10) GET TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE You get to make a difference in your college, at home, in your life, and in the world at large.
UNISON is currently looking for Nursing and Midwifery students who would like to become more involved. Let us know if you are who we are looking for.
Email student.nurses@unison.co.uk stating your name, your region, and what you are interested in doing (e.g. putting up a poster, attending a meeting, becoming a rep) or if you would just like further information.